Venue: Institute for East European History, University of Vienna, Spitalgasse 2, Hof 3, Entrance 3.2 (Campus), 1090 Vienna, Austria
Dr. Martin Rohde, University of Vienna,
Dr hab. Jagoda Wierzejska, University of Warsaw,
Co-organized by the University of Vienna, the University of Warsaw and the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna (IWM). Project conference in the framework of Schrödinger-Fellowship J 4515-G by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Co-founded by the Universities of Vienna and Warsaw, the IWM and the FWF.
Conference: (Re-) Branding Regions in East Central Europe. Space and Spatial Representations in Transition after World Wars I & II

Postcard „Gdynia-Hel: parostatek ‘Gdańsk’”, 1911, Biblioteka Narodowa, DŻS XII 8b/p.51/11 via [domena publiczna].
Postcard „Gdynia: dworzec” [1928], Biblioteka Narodowa, DŻS XII 8b/p.4/37 via [domena publiczna].
Postcard „Collage architektury gdyńskiej lat 30. XX wieku” [1930–1939], Muzeum Miasta Gdynia, MMG/HM/II/4761/18 via Archiwum Cyfrowe w Sieci [, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL].