Wednesday, 18 January 2023, 6.00 pm
Institute for Eastern European History, Spitalgasse 2/Court 3
Seminarraum des IOG, 1090 Vienna
Commented by Christoph AUGUSTYNOWICZ
Yulia Abibok, VWI Junior Fellow, researcher (Media Studies, Jewish Studies) and journalist, studies Comparative History at the Central European University. Her research interests include territorial and interethnic conflicts in Eastern Europe and the (post-)Soviet space; group identity building and propaganda; social transformations, business relations and organised crime in the 1990s in post-Soviet countries.
Christoph Augustynowicz is an Associate Professor and head of the Institute for Eastern European History at the University of Vienna. His research interests include Galician-Polish borderland studies, social history of Poland(-Lithuania) with special reference to Jews, and images and stereotypes of Eastern Europe.
“VWI goes to University of Vienna – Institute for Eastern European History“
18.01.2023 18:00