Univ.-Prof. Dr. Oliver Jens Schmitt

(Photo: Jutta Benzenberg)

E-mail: oliver.schmitt@univie.ac.at

Phone: +43-1-4277-411 18

eFax: +43-1-4277-841118

Office: 2N-Z1-24

Teaching/staff directory: u:find

Consultation hours: Summer semester 2025 research-free; consultation hours by appointment

Key Research Topics:

Fascism in Eastern Europe (with a focus on Romania) in the context of comparative fascism research; urban societies in the Eastern Mediterranean in the long 19th century; society and politics in the late Ottoman Empire; socio-cultural developments in the Albanian Balkans (19th to 21st century); social history of the Venetian overseas empire; late medieval history of the Balkans.

List of publications

Curriculum vitae

Projects, Conferences & Ongoing Book Projects

online publications

Exzellenzcluster „EurAsian Transformations“

Exploring the cultural heritage of Eurasia

In the "Eurasian Transformations" Cluster of Excellence, led by Byzantinist Claudia Rapp (Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Vienna), an international team of 31 scholars is investigating the cultural heritage and historical transformation processes in the "Eurasia" region. On the University of Vienna side, the Eastern Europe expert Oliver Jens Schmitt and the linguist Melanie Malzahn are also represented on the Board of Directors.



https://eurasiantransformations.univie.ac.at/</aEdona Rexhepi