Dr. Martin Rohde, B.A. M.A.

E-mail: martin.rohde@univie.ac.at

Phone: +43-1-4277-411 19

Office: 2N 01 127

Teaching/staff directory: u:find

Research project:

Transregional Region-Making in the Eastern Carpathians. Ukrainian Knowledge Production and its Challenges, 1921–1939
Schrödinger Fellow of the Austrian Science Fund FWF
since 03/2024 Senior Post-Doc at the Department of East European History, University of Vienna

Key Research Topics:

Imperial history, transnational, transregional and transimperial entanglements, history of knowledge and science, spatial theory and perception, history of photography, history of eugenics, physical anthropology and racism. Regional focus: Ukraine, Habsburg monarchy, Russian Empire, Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Poland.

Curriculum vitae,
Kurzbiographie/Short biography